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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Making a Shock Rod

 Making a Shock Rod


Circle Lord

This handy little circuit is the key to generating THOUSANDS of volts of electricity for warding off attackers (notice the plural). It generates it all from a hefty 6-volt source and is easily fit into a tubular casing. Originally used as a fence charger, this circuit can be put to other uses such as: charging a whole row of lockers at school, a row of theater seats, or a metal bleacher set in the gym. More on this later.

To build this, all you need is a GE-3 transistor, a 6.3-volt transformer, and a handful of spare parts from old radios. The ammount of shock you wish to generate is determined by the setting of potentiometer R1, a 15,000 ohm variable resistor. Hint: for maximum shock, set R1 at maximum!

Item # * Description

C1 * 500uF, 10-WVDC electrolytic capacitor
C2 * 2000uF, 15-WVDC electrolytic capacitor
M1 * 6-VDC battery
M2,M3 * Leads
Q1 * GE-3 transistor (2n555 will also do)
R1 * 15K potentiometer
R2 * 160-ohm resistor
S1 * Spst switch
T1 * 6.3-VAC filament transformer (Triad F-14x or equiv.)
X1 * 1N540 diode


1 1 HOT
1 +-----+ 1 LEAD
R1* + 1 +--->)(
+-->* 1 1 1 )(
1 * +--+ 1 1 )(-->
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TO
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GND
1 * C2 1 +---1----+
1 R2 1 1 1 1
1 * 1 1 1 X1 1
1 +/- 1 1
+*M1*-*S1*+ GND - 

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