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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cheapest Spud Cannon Ever

What you need

3 empty Pringles cans

1 roll of Duct Tape

1 can of hair spray, or lighter fluiid (the kind you use in zippo lighters, not butane), or what ever other explosive you want to use.

1 knife or pair of scissors. any sharp object will do.

1 match


ok, get two of the pringles cans and make a hole in the metal part, in the center, about the size of golf ball.

try not to go bigger, or smaller. if its bigger, the cannon won't have as much power. if its smaller, you'll blow up one of the cans, or yourself. duct tape one two of the cans together so that the metal part of one, is on the opening of the other.

then, duct tape that on to the one pringles can that doesnt have a hole in the bottom. tape it the same way you did the other two. this will make it so that there is two combustion chambers. 1 isnt enough force, and 3 is so much force that the cannon will blow.

put a whole bunch of duct tape on the bottom metal part of the can. if you dont, it is likely that when you shoot it, it will blow out the bottom.

after that, put an ass load of duct tape on rest of the cannon, especially on the places where two cans have been put together. I suggest that you use the entire roll.

Then, make a small hole the size of the width of a pen, on the bottom can, the one with out the opening. put the hole slightly above the metal part, on the cardboard.


put a tennis ball, potatoe, can, or what ever else you want to launch, use a couple paper towls, and wrap it around it so that it fits sungly into the opening on the top of the cannon. stick it in there, then put some hair spray or what ever you use, in the pen-zize hole in the bottom. dont use too much, rembmer, its only carboard, not pvc. exsperiment with how much you can use with out blowing up the cannon. if u taped it well enough, you can put an ass load in there, and you'll be fine.

stick your finger or a piece of duct tape over the opening, to keep the gases in the canon. if you used lighter fluid, then you will have to shake the cannon pretty hard, for about a minute. this will make it so that the gasses are in the air, inside the cannon.

next, light the match, aim the cannon, and shove it into the pen-sized hole

if you did it right, you shoud be able to launch a tennis ball about 200 yards.  

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